Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week 9 EOC: Letters of Permission

To finish all four of my letters of permission I had to do quite some research on the web. For starters, I had to look up how to get permission for different things several times and find addresses and useful information in order to make it look professional and legitimate. The first letter of permission I typed was one for master photographer Peter Lik in order to use his photography in a presentation on the world's best nature photography - and you can't have one of those without Peter Lik being in it. After asking for permission in the body paragraph, I added my contact information, ending it by thanking him for his time and consideration and adding my full name; I also did this for the rest of my letters of permission. For the 2nd one, I wrote a letter to Mr. Joshua Hoffine, my favorite horror photographer. I asked for permission to use his "fantastic, yet chilling" photography in a made up Halloween gallery at First Friday. After asking for permission I listed the name of the photographs I planned on displaying at the gallery so he would know how many, and which photographs would be used. The 3rd one was for a made up interview with Adam Young. I wrote a letter to him thanking and praising him for letting me shoot and interview him for AP magazine, before kindly asking him to sign a few forms I found on the web that would legally allow me to publish the interview. For the last letter of permission, I wrote a letter to the Fueled By Ramen record label asking for permission to use a song by one of their bands at my own gallery with a photograph inspired by the song so that my guests, and myself would have a more meaningful experience.

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